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How to use to optimize car photos for classifieds
How to use to optimize car photos for classifieds

How to use to optimize car photos for classifieds

With's support for photos you can quickly improve your car photos for classifieds. The AI removes the background from any image and you have a clean cutout that you can use in many ways.

Two ways to instantly improve your car photos:

1) Replace Original Background

You could use a neutral scene like an empty parking lot, a white wall or the front yard of a car dealership.

For a realistic look we recommend a background photo with

  • dark ground color

  • no hard shadows or reflections

  • enough space in the center of the image to place the foreground car

You can achieve this effect by requesting a transparent background image (PNG), and merging it with the background of your choice. The merging can be done in an image-editing software of your choice, or with automated tools like ImageMagick.

2) Keep Original Ground, Replace above Horizon

If the ground of the original image is representative enough, the most realistic way to improve the photo is often to keep not only the foreground, but also the lower half of the background and only use a new foreground for the upper part, above a "horizon line".

You can achieve this by:

  1. requesting a transparent background image (PNG),

  2. cutting out the lower half of the original image as a separate file,

  3. cutting out the upper half of a neutral background as a separate file, and

  4. merging the 3 files as 3 layers in the same image. The merging can be done in an image-editing software of your choice, or with automated tools like ImageMagick.

For optimal results, also have a look at our recommendations for good original photos.

If you need any help, shoot us an email!

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