Credits & Plans
What if I don't spend all my credits?
What if I don't spend all my credits?

What if I don't spend all my credits?

We offer subscription plans and credit packages in all sizes. However, sometimes you might not need all your credits because you need less images than you thought, it's holiday season or your volume just varies each month. What happens to these leftover credits?

Unused subscription credits

Subscriptions include a monthly budget of credits that renews automatically. If you have not used all your credits at the end of the month, the remaining credits are not lost: They roll over to the next month so you can still use them. You can roll over up to 5 × your monthly credit budget.

For instance, if you have a 500 credits per month subscription, you get 500 credits per month. On top of that, you can roll over up to another 2,500 credits from previous months.

If you upgrade or downgrade your subscription, credits also roll over. In this case, the roll over limit of the new plan applies. If you cancel your subscription and have credits remaining at the end of the last subscription month, these credits are lost.

Pay-as-you-go credits

If you need more flexibility, a Pay-as-you-go credit package allows you to use credits whenever you like: Pay-as-you-go credits are valid for 2 years after the purchase.

You can also combine Pay-as-you-go credits with a subscription. If your account has both subscription credits and Pay-as-you-go credits, the former are always used first, allowing you to keep the latter as a backup.

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