Credits & Plans
How can I make sure to never run out of credits?
How can I make sure to never run out of credits?

How can I make sure to never run out of credits?

If you run out of credits, we never charge overage fees. Instead, no further API calls or image downloads are possible (except preview images on, which are always free on our website).

If you want to make sure that this never happens, there are 3 ways:

  • Pick a plan that has slightly more credits than you expect. If you don't use them, they roll over to the next month anyway.

  • Upgrade when you notice that you are running low on credits (e.g. when you receive a notification email at 80% of your budget) and downgrade when you don't use your monthly budget and start to collect more and more roll over credits.

  • Have some Pay-as-you-go credits as a backup. They are only used when all of your subscription credits have been used before (in which case you receive another notification via email).

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