for Photoshop
How to roll out the plugin to multiple users at the same time
How to roll out the plugin to multiple users at the same time

How to roll out the plugin to multiple users at the same time

Whether you’re introducing’s Photoshop plugin to a handful of new users or hundreds, version 2.0.6 allows you to integrate the tool with speed and ease.

How it works

Version 2.0.6 can read the UXP plugin API key from a specific location on your disk.

How to install

1. Create a settings.json file that looks like this:


2. Add the file to the following location:

For Mac OS:

/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/UXP/PluginsStorage/PHSP/<ps_major_version>/External/6fddf582/PluginData/settings.json

For Windows:


3. Replace <username> and <ps_major_version> in the path above with their respective values.

Example: For Photoshop v 23.0.2 the value for <ps_major_version> would be 23.

The API key will be loaded automatically upon startup if it is found in this file.

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