Product Updates

Aug 07, 2019

Add Shadows to Car Photos

When you need to replace the background of an image, it's often enough to remove the old background, then add a new one instead - a task that can be done in just a few seconds using For some images the final result can look unnatural though.

With our new shadow feature you can now let Artificial Intelligence generate a realistic shadow for your foreground, allowing you to embed it into it’s new background seamlessly for a fantastically realistic overall composition.

Note: Adding shadows is currently supported for photos of cars only.

How to add shadows to images?

Shadows are supported in all tools and integrations:

  • On Automatically enabled for all car photos.
  • In the Windows / Mac / Linux app: Automatically enabled for car photos with the newest version (1.0.3), can be turned off in the Advanced options dialog.
  • In the Photoshop Plugin: Automatically enabled for car photos with the newest version (1.0.3), can be turned off in the Settings dialog.
  • Via the API: Disabled by default, can be enabled for car photos via the add_shadow option.

What images are supported?

For now, only photos of cars can get a shadow added automatically.

For other types of foregrounds (e.g. products), you will have to manually add any shadows with an image-editing software or include them in the background image. However, we are currently exploring solutions to support automatic shadows for other foreground types too. Want to share your requirements or thoughts with us?

We would love to hear your feedback and answer your questions.

Minden blogbejegyzés


Keith 2023. január 23.
What if I dont want the shadow?
Viktoria Hivatalos 2023. január 25.
Hi Keith! The shadow will be added automatically to car images on the website however if you use the desktop app, the Photoshop plugin or the API, you can turn this feature off. Hope this helps!
Creative Team 2021. február 26.
It would be amazing to provide quick cast shadow to products for e-commerce sites ! :)
Юрий 2020. december 13.
не работает вообще,ключ API ни чего не даёт.
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A képedet felhasználjuk a remove-bg továbbfejlesztésére.

A képedet NEM használjuk fel a remove-bg továbbfejlesztésére.