Product Updates

Mar 07, 2020







Evita 2020年12月20日(日)
Kenapa ngk bisa-bisa sih
Jo 2020年12月19日(土)
No sound
Kasia 公式 2020年12月21日(月)
Please remember that Unscreen Pro supports audio when you download your file as MP4 or Pro Bundle. Adding music with the free Unscreen is not possible because the output formats GIF + APNG do not support audio tracks.
Jeremiah 2020年12月19日(土)
It changed the eye color of the animated face in my video. SO dissappointed because the background removal was FLAWLESS.
Kasia 公式 2020年12月21日(月)
Can you please reach out to us at [email protected] so we can take a look?
Sasha 2020年12月18日(金)
why do I keep failing
Alexandra (The Creator Of Outside Of My Galaxy In Flipgrid) 2020年12月18日(金)
(For instance, I really like for pics more...To remove the bg from the Animes i sketch and put them into flipgrid. outside of my galaxy...) But, Like, Seriously, These remove bg things went helping overload...
'CAUSE THEY'RE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yaloha rullo 2020年12月17日(木)
i have a good suggestion it would be really nice if you can include animated stickers or you can ad layers of your own gif to the video
yaloha rullo 2020年12月17日(木)
i used the unscreen pro but it still charge me air time even when the image had errors. so i cancel also some times it only give one choice for downloading thhe image a zip file. the problem is when you extract the 1 file become 2 files and i don't know how to open that. any tutorial for that zip file download
Kasia 公式 2020年12月21日(月)
If you have chosen Transparent as the new background, you can combine the two MP4 files (the alpha matte and the main video) in your video editing software for a final transparency-applied video layer. Here: you can find our instructions for chosen programs.
However, recently we released an update which enables you to add a custom background to your video directly in Unscreen! You just need to select "Adjust settings" under the video you uploaded and here you can select one of our backgrounds or add your own.
Zahira 2020年12月17日(木)
Ini bagus banget
dsdjs 2020年12月16日(水)
Hmm..really disappointed that a very good website asks for money
Kasia 公式 2020年12月17日(木)
Please remember that you can still use Unscreen for free! Check it out here: Paid features are optionally available in Unscreen Pro.
Motasim 2020年12月16日(水)
Cool but is not working I can’t use video background changer
Kasia 公式 2020年12月16日(水)
There are currently no issues on our end, can you reach out to us at [email protected] and describe the problem? We will look into it! - Remove Background from Image 100% Free! | Product Hunt
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  • 画像の使用許可を与えると、remove.bgの向上に役立つことができます。
  • 人工知能に教える。
  • 今後は類似画像のより精度いい仕上がることができます。

