Product Updates

Mar 07, 2020

Remove Video Backgrounds 100% Automatically with Unscreen

As an avid user you know how to quickly get rid of a photo background. But what about videos and GIFs?

Introducing Unscreen: Pick a video or GIF and within seconds you’ll see the same clip with the background removed – all 100% automatically. Producing background-free video has never been easier!

Pick your clip, edit it, download and share it right away. All online and free!

모든 블로그 게시물


Fals 2022년 05월 23일
Why Can't I upload gif files from my disk, allwos me to only upload videos or search gifs from giphy!
Viktoria 공식 2022년 05월 25일
Hi! Depending on your web browser, you can upload MP4, MOV, WEBM, OGG and GIF files. Could you please send us an email to [email protected] so we can have a further look into what could have happened? We will be happy to help!
Felipe 2022년 05월 22일
Gostaria que não deixasse somente pessoas. Queria tirar o fundo de um vídeo para ter os créditos, já que se trata da abertura de uma novela ... mas tira tudo e só n remove a pessoa.
Viktoria 공식 2022년 05월 25일
Oi! Lamentamos que a remoção automática de plano de fundo do Unscreen não tenha fornecido resultados satisfatórios para seu vídeo. Estamos trabalhando continuamente para melhorar a IA para lidar melhor com vários tipos de vídeos no futuro. Ainda estamos desenvolvendo o Unscreen, por isso agradecemos seu feedback e compreensão!
Idk too 2022년 05월 17일
It won't work it keeps loading, even though I have good wifi, big storage 😕
Viktoria 공식 2022년 05월 25일
Hi! I'm sorry to hear that! Could you please send us an email to [email protected]? We will be happy to help you!
idk man 2022년 05월 14일
why cant we upload our gifs? why only mp4 and only gifs from giphy?
Viktoria 공식 2022년 05월 17일
Hi! Depending on your web browser, you can upload MP4, MOV, WEBM, OGG and GIF files. Could you please send us an email to [email protected] so we can have a further look into what could have happened? We will be happy to help!
Shashi 2022년 05월 13일
Gsy 2022년 05월 13일
Very bad
2022년 05월 09일
Insatisfait ! Aïe Aïe une erreur s'est produite
Viktoria 공식 2022년 05월 10일
Bonjour ! Je suis désolé d'entendre cela ! Veuillez nous contacter à l'adresse [email protected] et décrivez-nous la situation un peu plus en détail - nous serons heureux de vous aider !
Shoaib_abbasi_07 2022년 05월 07일
Sir mai video ka background change karna chahta hu
Harley 2022년 05월 06일
Won't let me choose a gif file from my files.
A 2022년 05월 05일
Useless!!! They removed my audio!!!!
Viktoria 공식 2022년 05월 10일
Hi! Keeping the audio with the free Unscreen is not possible because the output formats GIF + APNG do not support audio tracks.
That said, our brand new Unscreen Pro enables you to download actual video files with sound!
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