Credits & Plans
Where are my credits and why can't I see them?
Where are my credits and why can't I see them?

Where are my credits and why can't I see them?

We have 3 options here:

1. I cancelled my subscription and my credits are gone.

Subscription credits are valid with an active subscription only. If you cancel your plan you can use the remaining credits until the end of the billing period, later the credits are invalidated. To keep the credits without monthly payments you can select Pay as you go option.

2. I can't see my credits but I didn't cancel my subscription.

Most likely your subscription was automatically cancelled due to failed renewal. With monthly/yearly plans each month/year you are charged with the renewal fee. If, for some reason, we cannot deduct the payment (e.g. your card expired, you have some limits set), the subscription gets cancelled after a while. In this case just verify your payment method, reach out to us at [email protected] and we'll be happy to help out.

3. I purchased the credits but they didn't show up in my account.

Sometimes it may take a while for the payment to book. Usually the credits are added in the moment your purchase is completed, but every once in a while it can take up to 15-40 minutes. If it's longer than that, you can contact Paddle - it's our merchant of record that handles the payment processing and invoicing for us. If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out to us too at [email protected]!

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