Credits & Plans
Can I upgrade/downgrade/cancel my subscription?
Can I upgrade/downgrade/cancel my subscription?

Can I upgrade/downgrade/cancel my subscription?

Yes, you can always upgrade, downgrade or cancel your subscription.

Please note: If you cancel your subscription, any remaining subscription credits can only be used until the end of your current billing period.


To switch to a different plan:

  1. Go to Credits & Plan in your account profile,

  2. Click on Change Subscription for the plan of your choice,

  3. Confirm the change of your plan.

Upgrading your plan takes effect immediately: After you confirm, your payment method is charged and the credits and features of your new subscription are available.

If you're downgrading your plan to another monthly plan, you will not be billed immediately. Instead, your current plan stays active until the end of the current billing period, and only then the new plan takes effect. For example, when you downgrade your 200 credits per month plan to 40 credits per month on June 10, and your next billing date is July 5, then you will be billed for it on July 5. This is also when the new rollover limit applies, so make sure you use the remaining credits until then.

Note: when you downgrade a monthly plan to a yearly one, it takes effect immediately. For example, when you downgrade the 500 credits per month plan paid monthly to the 200 credits per month plan paid yearly, you will be charged instantly and the 200 credits plan will start. Also, the new rollover limit will apply right away.


To cancel your subscription:

  1. Go to Credits & Plan in your account profile

  2. Click Cancel Subscription

  3. Confirm your cancellation by clicking Cancel Subscription in the newly opened window again

Your subscription will be cancelled at the end of your current billing period. After that, your account will be downgraded to the Free plan and the remaining credits will be invalidated.

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