Product Updates

Feb 12, 2019

Add new backgrounds

After removing the original background you can now easily add a new one with just a few clicks.

Now you might think in comparison to removing a background, adding a new one has always been the easy part. But sometimes you don’t have your favorite image editing software ready or just need this one particular meme and you need it quick. Image editor to the rescue!

PS: For particularly challenging images you can also fine-tune the background removal with the eraser tool. Got ideas for other features? Let us know!

Update April 2020 – Try our new Image Background Replacer:

Wszystkie wpisy na blogu


Yash 23 września 2022
Excellent but remove is not good
Dipesh shah 15 września 2022
Photo edit quality effect settings and background change
Exactly position and looking nice
Akshay Kumar 7 września 2022
Very nice
Khalek 21 czerwca 2022
Joe mama 17 czerwca 2022
I hate this system it never remove's the image how I want it to and it is very simple
Abhi 17 czerwca 2022
no it is not it is a very nice system
Munna 17 czerwca 2022
yeah it is very helpful
Idk 17 czerwca 2022
yeah it helps me with removing all my things
JANEOFC 6 sierpnia 2022
No! It really helps! probably u are going to original, so that is why u are unable to view the removed background!
Munna 1 czerwca 2022
Abhi 30 maja 2022
Abdul Razak 25 maja 2022
Umer s. 7 maja 2022
Huma Noor e Ali 14 kwietnia 2022
Very nice and quick changer so easy to use - Remove Background from Image 100% Free! | Product Hunt
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