Product Updates

Jan 21, 2021

Add Shadow to Images with Our Improved Visual AI

Photo editing can be a long process of tweaks and turns until you manage to get it right and find a visual consistency appealing to the eye. You may need to remove backgrounds and add shadows to your images, but no matter how much you edit these pictures, you want to ensure an overall natural and effortless look. 

Before and after example

Adding shadow to photos can be particularly challenging, though. If not done right, the process can easily backfire, making the final result look slightly, if not entirely off. Adding shadows to an image in photoshop takes practice, knowledge, and time. Sometimes you may not have one or the other, but other times you may not have any idea where to start. 

Improving the Visual AI for casting shadows in car photos

In 2019, when we launched the car shadow AI, we aimed to create a feature that allows you to add a realistic shadow to your car photo’s foreground. The shadow would then be seamlessly integrated into the image background, helping you achieve a natural look.

Over the past months, we have improved this technology and took it to the next level. Now, at the start of 2021, we are excited to announce that your car photos will automatically have even more realistic shadows attached to the foreground – all at the touch of a button. 

In fact, with this new update, you won’t be able to tell the original from a car photo edited with It’s never been easier to add shadows to an image online, especially in car pictures. 

What does adding shadows to images mean for car dealerships? 

When it comes to car images processed with, the automotive industry can sit back and relax. Our clients know they save time while getting high-quality results. But, from now on, their pictures will become even more realistic. And eventually, everything will be reflected in the number of closed deals. Because the truth is, the higher the quality of the visuals, the higher chances of a purchase to be made.

So, why don’t you try it? Upload a car photo and notice how the AI will add realistic shadows automatically. Watch how magic is being made in less than 5 seconds. 

Wszystkie wpisy na blogu


Aw 16 września 2022
Please remove this, having a shadow added automatically under the car is actually a pain!
CD 15 sierpnia 2022
Only if you need a shadow... sometimes we don't need the shadow. Adding the shadow should be an option not added just because it's a car. Can you please change this? It's made the process more difficult and added more steps for removal.
Agent 8 splatoon fan 23 maja 2022
jsachs 14 kwietnia 2022
Super amazing!
Prakash 28 kwietnia 2021
Super bro
Mohammed Omar 19 lutego 2021
I need to take the bg of car - Remove Background from Image 100% Free! | Product Hunt
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