Product Updates

May 17, 2019

Introducing for Windows/Mac/Linux

What's better than removing the background from an image automatically? Removing the background from many images automatically!

Today we are launching for Windows/Mac/Linux, bringing automated bulk background removal to the operating system of your choice.


  • Drag & Drop automated background removal
  • Upload multiple images and folders
  • Create transparent or colored backgrounds
  • Select the output size of your choice

How does it work? for Windows/Mac/Linux uses the API, so you need an API key and an active Internet connection.

Get started

  1. Download: for Windows (Windows 10/11 [64-bit]) for Mac (macOS 10.10 or newer) for Linux (Ubuntu/Debian)
  2. Get your API key (the first 50 API calls in small size each month are free) and enter it in the application settings.
  3. You’re ready to go: Remove backgrounds with a single click.

Got feedback? Feature wishes? Ideas? Let us know what you think!

Wszystkie wpisy na blogu


Na razie nie ma żadnych komentarzy. - Remove Background from Image 100% Free! | Product Hunt
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