Product Updates

Apr 09, 2019

Pricing & API Updates

We have simplified our pricing and extended the API capabilities. Find the details here.

Updates on Pricing

  • Simplified pricing: Enter the amount and size of images you need, and we’ll suggest the best plan for you on our new pricing page. Also, we have renamed some plans for clarity.

  • New plans available: If you couldn’t find the right plan for your volume of images, have a second look now. We have added several new plans and options that fit any budget and image requirements.

  • 14 Days Money Back Guarantee: No need to worry about quality any more: All subscriptions are now covered by a 14 Days Money Back Guarantee. Read more.

Updates on API features

  • All resolutions are now available for everyone: Previously, some subscription plans and pay as you go packages allowed only for specific, lower resolutions. Not anymore!

  • The 50 Free API calls per month are now restricted to small (preview) resolution: The intention of these free calls is to allow for testing API integrations without spending credits, and this can be achieved with lower resolutions as well.

  • White label for everyone: We appreciate if you want to add a note or link to to your product, but you are no longer required to do so – on any plan.

We look forward to your feedback – if you have any questions, get in touch!

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Na razie nie ma żadnych komentarzy. - Remove Background from Image 100% Free! | Product Hunt
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