Product Updates

Mar 14, 2024 Gets a Fresh, New Look

Great news: has received a fresh new look! As part of the mission to provide easy and accessible background removal for everyone, several improvements have been made to the user interface. These updates aim to make the entire process faster and more enjoyable for users.

What does this mean for you?

  • Reduced editing time - all commands are now available within the editor’s interface

  • More user-friendly and intuitive UI/design

  • Add backgrounds or other effects with fewer clicks

  • Easier access to an upgraded Magic Brush

  • Design on Canva using your image with just one click

Amazing right? Try out the new, enhanced right away.

Wszystkie wpisy na blogu


Sirajul Mustafa 28 marca 2024
Video brakgram remove
R 17 marca 2024
Is there an option to return to the older version... the new version doesnt work!
Viktoria Oficjalna 18 marca 2024
Hi there! Unfortunately, it is not possible to change the website version; however, we are happy to help you troubleshoot any issues! Contact us at [email protected] and we will be able to assist you further!
zubair ali 17 marca 2024
remove background not working please remove this issue
Viktoria Oficjalna 18 marca 2024
Hi there! We apologize for the inconvenience! We've detected an issue that has already been fixed, so everything should work fine now. Please check again, and if the problem persists, let us know at [email protected]!
vgcf 17 marca 2024
nothing is working for me. not on desktop or mobile.
Viktoria Oficjalna 18 marca 2024
Hi there! We apologize for the inconvenience! We've detected an issue that has already been fixed, so everything should work fine now. Please check again, and if the problem persists, let us know at [email protected]!
哈哈 16 marca 2024
很好很好!!! - Remove Background from Image 100% Free! | Product Hunt
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