Product Updates

Apr 25, 2019

Announcing for Photoshop

Whether it's for webdesign, print or digital art: If you are editing images professionally, chances are that Photoshop is an integral part of your workflow. It has never been easier to cleanly remove the background from an image than with, but up until now using it from Photoshop involved several steps - and that's clearly too many!

With for Adobe Photoshop you can now remove the background from any photo directly within Photoshop with a single click.

What does it do?

  • Upload the whole image or the current selection to
  • Add the cutout photo as a new layer
  • Provide a layer mask to allow for easy corrections and adjustments

How does it work?

The plugin uses the API, so you need an API key and an active Internet connection.

Get started

  1. Download for Adobe Photoshop at Adobe Exchange
  2. Get your API key (the first 50 previews each month are free) and enter it in the plugin settings.
  3. You’re ready to go: Remove any background with 1 click.
For more detailed tips check out our blog post about how to remove background images in Photoshop.

Got feedback? Feature wishes? Ideas? Let us know what you think!

Wszystkie wpisy na blogu


Na razie nie ma żadnych komentarzy. - Remove Background from Image 100% Free! | Product Hunt
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