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Mar 07, 2020

Usuwaj tła filmów w 100% automatycznie za pomocą funkcji Unscreen

Usuwaj tła filmów w 100% automatycznie za pomocą funkcji Unscreen – Blog

Wszystkie wpisy na blogu


GIF collector 12 lutego 2024
nope it's awful. Even with the free version, at least prove it to us that it actually work before we decided to upgrade. So many background leaks!
Viktoria Oficjalna 13 lutego 2024
Hi there! We're sorry the background removal didn't work as expected! We are constantly developing Unscreen, so if you would like to help us improve the results for videos like yours, you can contribute to the Improvement Program by clicking on the sad face next to the output video.
Mey Sinh 12 lutego 2024
But output not full not good and output gif 👎
Viktoria Oficjalna 13 lutego 2024
Hi Mey! We're sorry you had trouble with the output! If you would like our support team to take a closer look, feel free to contact us at [email protected] and they will be happy to help you!
hi 8 lutego 2024
did not work
Viktoria Oficjalna 9 lutego 2024
Hi there! We're sorry you are having trouble with Unscreen! Feel free to reach out to us at [email protected], and the support team will be happy to help you!
Viral hona 29 stycznia 2024
Video edit karna hai please
hutgk 3 lutego 2024
hybernasi 29 stycznia 2024
Removebg_Official 27 stycznia 2024
Bro i try to use this with my video of 10 mins and do nothing
Im so angry for this💀
Viktoria Oficjalna 9 lutego 2024
Hi there! The free version of Unscreen can process videos that are up to 5 seconds long or 10 seconds long if you have a free account. If you would like to process longer videos, check out Unscreen Pro here:
Cindy 24 stycznia 2024
cant it work in a way where white doesn't instantly mean background that would be helpful
Viktoria Oficjalna 9 lutego 2024
Hi Cindy! We appreciate your feedback! We are continuously working to improve the AI to handle various kinds of videos better in the future. If you want to support our development and help us improve the results of videos like yours, you can contribute to the Improvement Program by clicking on the sad face next to the output video.
mint 20 stycznia 2024
it doesnt remove it nicely. still some places u can see background leaking
Deepak 18 stycznia 2024
Video image delete background save
JIPY 15 stycznia 2024
SOO GOOOOD !!! I RECOMMEND THIS TO EVERY EDITOR - Remove Background from Image 100% Free! | Product Hunt
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