Product Updates

Jul 17, 2020

Automatically Remove Backgrounds in Dropbox, Shopify and 2,000+ apps and services makes background removal fully automatic: With our new Zapier and Make apps you don't even have to upload your images anymore!

If you use, you’re already saving lots of time: Instead of picking pixels you select an image, wait a few seconds and save the result. But why stop there? What if you could automate even the image selection and saving steps? Meet our new Zapier and Make apps.

Zapier and Make are workflow automation tools allowing you to connect your favorite apps and make them work together. is now integrated with them, allowing you to automate your whole image processing pipeline from start to finish. Here are some examples of what you can do:

  • Whenever you save an image in your Dropbox or Google Drive, a background-free copy is automatically created. Return from your photo shooting with a full folder of already cutout photos!
  • Whenever a new employee joins your company ask them to send a picture to your email, from where it gets automatically picked up and put on a company-branded background, then saved in WordPress or Airtable.
  • When a new Product is created in your Shopify store, automatically put it’s primary product photo on white background.

Make it as simple or complex as you wish. The best thing: You can set it up with just a few clicks and without any programming knowledge.

Need more inspiration? Here’s a selection of our favorite apps on Zapier and Make:




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