for Desktop
How to install for Windows/Mac/Linux
How to install for Windows/Mac/Linux

How to install for Windows/Mac/Linux for Windows/Mac/Linux brings bulk image background removal right to your desktop. To install it, follow these steps:

Windows Installation Instructions

  1. Download and run for Windows.

  2. After a few seconds for Windows will be installed and automatically started. The installation also adds shortcuts to your Desktop and Start Menu.

  3. To set up your API key and use for Windows, follow the instructions in the application.

Mac Installation Instructions

  1. Download and run for Mac.

  2. In the Installation window, drag the icon to your Applications folder.

  3. To complete the setup, follow the instructions shown in the installation window.

  4. To set up your API key and use for Mac, follow the instructions in the application.

Install via Hombrew

  1. Install Hombrew and run brew install --cask removebg in your terminal

  2. To set up your API key and use for Mac, follow the instructions in the application.

Linux Installation Instructions

  1. Download for Linux.

  2. Depending on your operating system you might be able to install it by double-clicking the file. You can also install it on the command-line with the command dpkg -i <filename>.deb

  3. After the installation has finished you can find the program in your applications list, or run it from the command-line with removebg-desktop

  4. To set up your API key and use for Linux, follow the instructions in the application.

If you have problems installing for Linux, try to install the gnome-keyring (check this page).

If you have trouble installing for Windows/Mac/Linux feel free to reach out via email. We're happy to help!

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