Credits & Plans
What is the difference between the free plan, subscription, and Pay-as-you-go?
What is the difference between the free plan, subscription, and Pay-as-you-go?

What is the difference between the free plan, subscription, and Pay-as-you-go?

On our pricing page, you can see three different options: Free Account, Subscription Plan, and Pay-as-you-go.

  • Free Account - you can always use for free on our website. Our free background removal supports low-resolution images (previews) of up to 0.25 megapixels. With a free account, you also get one bonus credit (to test high-resolution download) and 50 free previews via API and apps each month.

  • Subscription plan - it’s the best option for ongoing image needs. If you have a certain number of images to process each month you will save quite a lot with a subscription. Monthly plans renew automatically every month, but you can cancel the subscription at any time. Just remember that subscription credits are valid only as long as you have an active subscription.

  • Pay-as-you-go credits - if you’re not sure about your volume or you just don’t want to pay monthly, then Pay-as-you-go credits are the best solution. They are valid within two years of purchasing and it’s a one-time payment. You can also combine a subscription with Pay-as-you-go, in which case PAYG credits will be used as a back-up, only after you’re out of subscription credits.

Still not sure which option is better for you? Reach out and we will be happy to help.

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