Product Updates

Mar 07, 2020

Ta bort videobakgrunder 100 % automatiskt med Unscreen

Ta bort videobakgrunder 100 % automatiskt med Unscreen – blogg

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Motasim 16 december 2020
Cool but is not working I can’t use video background changer
Kasia Officiell 16 december 2020
There are currently no issues on our end, can you reach out to us at [email protected] and describe the problem? We will look into it!
Mickey 16 december 2020
I really love your service. Thanks for being here and being so helpful to many creators.
Motasim 15 december 2020
djstorm420 14 december 2020
i wish it was video not GIF
Kasia Officiell 15 december 2020
Please remember that with Unscreen Pro you can download a video file!
If you're using the free version, the output video can be downloaded as a GIF, Animated PNG or ZIP file of single PNG/JPG frames.
Motasim 14 december 2020
Cool but can you make a video background
Kasia Officiell 15 december 2020
Yes, you can easily do that - you just need to click on "Select file" under the video you uploaded. If you're using Unscreen Pro, you can find this feature under "Adjust settings" button.
Blondie 14 december 2020
I've been searching everywhere for something to change the background of a video without downloading an app, but I couldn't find anything. Then I found this and I was SO HAPPY, but then it disappointed me by only allowing me to do a clip. :( I wish I could find something.
Kasia Officiell 15 december 2020
Hi there!
Could you please reach out to us at [email protected] and describe your use case? I'm sure we will find a solution!
મદાર મહંમદ સાએબ 14 december 2020
સુપર અને ખૂબ સારું
Satish pant 13 december 2020
Nethmi Devanya 10 december 2020
Wow superb
I DONT HAVE A NAME 10 december 2020
I'm glad there is not watermark on the classic remove background, but why must there be one on the video
Kasia Officiell 15 december 2020
Free clips contain an unobtrusive Unscreen watermark, but that's no longer the case with Unscreen Pro!
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