Product Updates

Mar 07, 2020

Ta bort videobakgrunder 100 % automatiskt med Unscreen

Ta bort videobakgrunder 100 % automatiskt med Unscreen – blogg

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Ethan 20 november 2023
I tried putting in a old projector effect and it removed random parts of the gif. I'm not sure if it's just on my end or what, but please try to fix this.
Viktoria Officiell 21 november 2023
Hi Ethan! We're sorry you are having trouble with Unscreen! If you could, please reach out to our support team at [email protected] with an example of what you saw and they will be happy to look into it further!
Pusheen 30 november 2023
It happened to me too.
Viktoria Officiell 30 november 2023
Hi there! We're sorry to hear that! If you would like our support team to take a closer look, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]! They will be more than happy to help!
Meh 20 november 2023
Why is there no longer a gif option? I can’t upload my own gifs, only videos
Viktoria Officiell 21 november 2023
Hi there! We're sorry you are having trouble with Unscreen! The GIF upload option is still available. Could you please contact our support team with your device and browser details at [email protected]? They will be happy to help you troubleshoot any errors you might experience!
flávio 20 november 2023
Não retirou o fundo do meu vídeo, contiunou do mesmo jeito.
Viktoria Officiell 21 november 2023
Hi there! We're sorry that Unscreen didn't work for you! Some videos work better than others, such as videos of people, animals, or objects that are the primary subject (i.e., in focus, staying in the scene, separated from the background). However, some videos are more challenging than others. If you would like to help us improve the results for videos like yours, you can contribute to the Improvement Program by clicking on the sad face next to the output video. Feel free to contact us anytime at [email protected] if you have any questions!
José Soto 20 november 2023
Es excelente muy buena
jason Chan. 19 november 2023
Not working, sorry. Neither the BG is removed nor is there a button for download.
Viktoria Officiell 21 november 2023
Hi Jason! We're sorry to hear that you had trouble with unscreen! Could you please reach out to our support team at [email protected] with your device and browser details? They can help you troubleshoot any error you might experience!
jason Chan. 19 november 2023
Not working, sorry.
Shuaib 19 november 2023
This is good
Sarah 17 november 2023
It is nice, but today it is not working
Viktoria Officiell 17 november 2023
Hi there! We're sorry to hear that it's not working for you! Could you please reach out to our support team with more details about what happened at [email protected]? They will be more than happy to help you!
Ayush 17 november 2023
You r the best
AAJINUR 17 november 2023
Please helf
Viktoria Officiell 17 november 2023
Hi there! If our support team can help you with anything, please feel free to contact us via [email protected]!
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