Provide training images uses Artificial Intelligence to remove backgrounds from photos. Most of the time that works very well, but sometimes the results are not good enough yet. We are continously improving the quality and to do that, we need a large pool of training images. By submitting your images to our training pool, you can help us make better specifically for images that are like yours.
How does it work?
When you submit your images on this page:
- We use them for internal development purposes to make the AI better.
- We do not remove the background from them (but a future version of might be able to do that).
- We do not publish them or use them for any other purpose.
What images can I provide?
You can provide up to 500 images in JPG/PNG format with up to 12 megabytes each. Images that are currently not supported by the AI or have poor result quality are the best for training, so it's better to provide 10 hard and diverse images than 100 easy and similar ones. But leave these worries to us, we can use whatever you are willing to give. Just make sure you only upload images that are yours (i.e. no copyrights, personality rights, etc. of third parties are violated).
Upload training images
Please sign in to upload training images.