Tips & Ideas

Oct 19, 2020

How You Can Enhance Real Estate Photos Quick and Easy

What do you do when you need to take pictures of a real estate property at a designated time, but the sky is overcast and gray?

A cloudy sky is a photographer’s nightmare, especially when working on time-sensitive projects. This is why we thought we’d make life easier and offer you the option to improve the quality and the impact of real estate photos in your portfolio. With our new real estate sky replacer, you can now turn an overcast gray sky to sunny and blue and sunny in a matter of seconds. This way, you’ll never have to depend on sunshine again.

Enhancing real estate photos with

What is blue sky real estate photography?

Photos that awaken positive feelings in their viewers can unconsciously influence decision-making processes. If there’s one thing we know for sure, it’s that shiny bright skies are significant contributors to conveying positive emotion. Whether it’s real estate or any other type of photography, images featuring a bright blue sky are more appealing and will undoubtedly perform better.

How many times you have seen your dream home in photos with clear blue skies and said to yourself – That’s where I want to live. Maybe you even booked a viewing right then and there.

The truth is that when displayed at the right time and to the right audience, a high-quality image can be life-changing.

The real estate industry is the place where high-quality blue sky photos have a direct role in increasing the number and the value of closed sales. The higher an image’s quality and the bluer the sky, the faster the selling process, and the higher the closing price.

How to enhance real estate photos with

The real estate industry is known for its fast-paced rhythm, with properties coming and going out of the market almost overnight. Those that are up for sale or rent should be displayed immediately to secure the best outcome. To keep up with all these changes, real estate agents need agile mindsets and state-of-the-art listing photos.

If you’re looking to sell property, you know that professional real estate shots featuring blue skies are significant contributors to closing deals quickly and successfully. Equally, if you’ve ever been on a hunt for a home yourself, you know how important it is to be able to browse through listing photos that genuinely highlight the property and showcase its potential.

Although the sky does play a significant role in real estate photography, it can’t always give you sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes you don’t have anything to work with, and you need to improvise.

Now, we all know that traditional methods of photo editing can take ages. But, it’s 2020, and thanks to our AI, if you’re unhappy with the sky in your photos, you can swap it for a new one and go about your day in less than 5 seconds.

But don’t just take our word – follow the next steps and try it out yourself:

  • Upload your photo
  • Select the sky you like the most (or upload your image)
  • Download the finished result

And that’s pretty much it! The next time you’ll want to enhance real estate photos and save valuable time, we’ll be here.

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