API & Integrations
How can I customize my API results?
How can I customize my API results?

How can I customize my API results?

The API has different customization options:

  • Choose the format (png, jpg, zip)

  • Region of interest: only contents of this rectangular region can be detected as foreground, while everything outside of it will be considered background and thus removed. By default, the whole image is the region of interest ("0% 0% 100% 100%")

  • Crop: the default is false. It lets you choose whether or not to crop off all empty regions.

  • Crop margin: adds a margin around the cropped subject. This parameter has effect only when “crop=true”. 

  • Scale: scales the subject relative to the total image size. It implies “position=center”, unless you specify otherwise. 

  • Position: positions the subject within the image canvas. Can be “original” (default, unless the scale is given), “center”, a value from 0% to 100%, or two values (horizontal, vertical). 

  • Channels: you can request the finalized image (rgba) or the alpha mask. Requiring the latter can lead to a lower final image quality, therefore “rgba” is recommended.

  • Add a shadow: you can choose to add an artificial shadow to the result. This feature is currently only supported for car images, but will soon be available for other subjects too.

  • Semitransparency: lets you choose whether to have semitransparent regions in the result. Note that this feature is only available for car windows at the moment. 

  • Background color: lets you add a solid background color. You can either insert a hex color code, or a color name. 

  • Background image: you can add a new image as your background by either providing the image URL or uploading the file.

How to change the background of an image

If you want to change the background of an image:

  1. In your code, provide the file of the new background image.

2. To add shadows:

Remember that the shadow feature is currently only supported for car images but will soon be available for other subjects too.

For more details, you can read our step-by-step guide.

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