Affiliate Program


Join the Affiliate Program to:
  • Promote to your audience and help them edit images more efficiently
  • Earn 15% commission on every sale made through your affiliate link
  • Keep earning commissions every month for subscriptions

Frequently asked questions

Earning Commissions

What commission do I receive?
What counts as a sale?
Do I get commissions for subscriptions every month?
What if someone signs up, but does not purchase?
What if someone already has an account?
What if someone cancels and resubscribes later?
What if someone pays in a different currency?


How can I promote my affiliate link?
What marketing assets can I use?
How do I disclose sponsored content?
What kind of advertisement is not allowed?

Getting Paid

How do I get paid and how often?
Do I have to issue an invoice to receive payment?

Affiliate Tracking

How long do affiliate cookies last?
Can an existing user be assigned to my affiliate account?
What if someone clicks a different affiliate link after clicking mine?


How to contact you? - Remove Background from Image 100% Free! | Product Hunt
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