Product Updates

Nov 23, 2023

Black Friday Sale Starts Now with 40% Off!

[Update: this offer has expired, but you can still save up to 10% with yearly payment].

Ever thought about speeding up your workflow with easy-to-use background removal? Now's the perfect opportunity!

Starting today, November 23, 2023, there’s a special offer —’s only sale of the year, offering you a stunning 40% OFF when you opt for annual subscriptions of either 40 or 200 credits. 

So, what's in it for you with this yearly subscription? Here's the scoop:

1. Edit high-resolution images in bulk. 

2. Save both time and money with AI magic.

3. If things change, no worries! You can cancel your subscription at any point.

So why not streamline your processes? There's no need for intricate pixel-picking or complicated workflows. Added bonus, no more headaches over budget planning. With, everything becomes simpler, faster, and more efficient.

Remember, this offer is valid until December 4, 2023, 10 am CET. Make sure to seize this opportunity and set yourself up for a successful 2024. Enjoy the benefits without breaking the bank!

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